Introducing Q-Source at Quagmire

YHC took the reins at Quagmire for a science experiment after listening to the roundtable podcast last week with Short Circuit and Stinger talking Q-Source. I really enjoyed the substantive portion of the 43 feet where Doah and Dredd would discuss the Q point of the week last year and have been looking to fold that into my routine while also needing to improve my rucking performance in preparation for the Growruck22 coming at the end of the month. Unfortunately lately I have been pretty busy so have missed out on the Q source discussions that Tesh and Anchorman have been leading here around the Fort so with the attendance numbers already suffering at Quagmire I felt the need to switch some things up to hopefully draw out a consistent group of PAX by offering a high-level intro/discussion to the Q-source. So YHC brought out the whiteboard and like Collin Powel says if you are 60% ready just go ahead and start. I had a desire and the Q schedule was open so I took the leap into trying to give an introductory to Qsource which will be henceforth referred to as Q-Source @ Quagmire.
This week we started off with the high-level intro to the four quadrants of the q-source by performing four corners at the perimeter of the Quagmire AO. The whiteboard had the four quadrants listed and at each corner of the AO we were going to learn about the respective quadrant. Giving the initial PAX that showed up and their experience in rucking YHC made the call that we were all going to ruck up and head to the first corner of Quagmire, which is Home Depot parking lot, to learn about the first quadrant of the G3L which is the Get Right. Normal exercises were performed and while everyone held a plank YHC read the introduction to the first quadrant of the G3L from the pocket-sized Q-Source. Mosey shuffle to the second corner of Quagmire which is the Ulta Beauty where we did some exercise and learned about the Live Right. Mosey to the corner of Steel Creek and Tryon where we learned about the Lead Right and exercises were performed and finally mosey back to ChickFilA/Bestbuy to learn about the Leave Right. A few minutes left so we continued over towards the PetsMart for some bear crawls and some lunges until it was 6:00.
COunt-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, Announcements/ Prayers/Praises and finally YHC asked Flunder to close out the COT as only he can.
Thanks guys for letting me try this and for the feedback.

Man, what a privilege it is to have the triple respect Flounder join us in the gloom every week and while his skills at calling cadence are still being refined his ability to close out a COT is second to none. His drive and desire to push himself to try and keep up with fellow PAX half his age is awe-inspiring and reminds me to challenge myself to push harder and get better.
Thanks to the PAX for allowing me to try this out and for the candid feedback on how we can improve in the near future.

Next week I look forward to my man HalfShell covering Q point 1.10 which is Prayer if you happen to be following along with the idiotic numbering system….
We will only cover the Socratic and the Spurs during the ruck workout and hope to have some discussion about how we as men today are trying to hone our skills and fulfill our “Get Right” responsibility to become HIM.

As always feel free to hit me up to discuss further any suggestions or roadblocks that you see might hinder our progress. Thanks again in advance for allowing me to attempt to fill a void I have been having.

Stay frosty my friends,
Build your guardrails out of bricks!

TClap |

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